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What is Udrik?

UDRIK is an Estonian product design company aiming to create fresh and functioning designs.
We are not only designing stuff, we bring our designs to life and put our ideas into production.
In order to achieve the right look, feel and durability we constantly test new materials and technologies.
We use only local subcontractors so we can be involved in the production process and have control over the quality.

Mis on Udrik?


Udrik on Eesti tootedisaini stuudio, mille eesmärgiks on luua funktsionaalseid ja värske joonega tooteid.

Me ainult ei mõtle disainist, vaid viime oma mõtted ka vormi.

Katsetame pidevalt erinevate materjalide ja tehniliste lahendustega, et saavutada toodete õige vorm ja vastupidavus. Kasutame ainult kohalikke allhankijaid. Usume, et tänu sellele saavutame kvaliteedi, mida soovime ka teistega jagada ning suudame tagada paindliku tootmisprotsessi.



Sten has a strong backround in graphic design and Toomas feels home in the world of engineering. Passion for good and simple product design is the thing that connects us. We have traveled many different paths and decided to do something together now. What could possibly go wrong?



Sten on tugeva graafilise disaini taustaga ja Toomas tunneb ennast kodus insenerimaailmas. Meid ühendab kirg hea ja lihtsa tootedisaini vastu ning peale mitmeid rännakuid, otsustasime luua midagi koos. Mis võiks minna valesti?



Sten Lindpere


Toomas Saar


+372 516 3125

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